The ROI of Rooftop Amenities

The ROI of Rooftop Amenities

The biggest challenge real estate developers face when getting started with rooftop amenities is arriving at the right design solution and knowing if their investment will eventually pay off.

But rooftop amenities don’t have to be an unknown variable in your formula for project success. There are methods to help you know beforehand what impact your amenities will have on your bottom line before you break ground. There are also ways for you to measure their effects once your building is complete, leased up, and that extra rent comes pouring in.

Read more to discover how you can better leverage your rooftop amenities on upcoming multifamily developments.

How to Predict Your Rooftop Amenity ROI Before You Break Ground

The return on investment for rooftop amenities is high for most multifamily developments — regardless of asset class. That’s because these amenities improve your net operating income, growing your cash flow and ultimately increasing your property value. 

While rooftop amenities are expensive to design and construct at the onset, the lasting value they generate is still consistently much greater than their initial cost.

Learn how to calculate the ROI of rooftop amenities.

How Immersive Rooftop Amenities Increase the Profitability of Multifamily Developments

Rooftop amenities are not a passing trend. Rather, they are the ideal solution for a time when consumers are demanding higher quality outdoor living experiences while urban land becomes more expensive. 

To capitalize on this, you need to invest the time and funds to design amenities that truly stand out. Without the right design and execution, your rooftop amenities will fail to live up to their potential — and your tenants’ expectations.

Consider the following ways immersive rooftop amenities can increase your development’s profitability.

Leverage Your Rooftop Amenity Program and Theme for Superior Results

Rooftop amenities are quickly becoming a major part of a solid multifamily investment strategy. But in order for them to increase the profitability of your project, you need to understand their specific costs and benefits. 

Then, you can make informed decisions about their programming and theme to make the most of your investment.

How to Measure the Performance of Your Rooftop Amenities

Photo by Eugene on Unsplash

How do you know that your rooftop amenities are “working?” 

These key performance indicators, or KPIs, will help you evaluate how your rooftop amenities contribute to a more successful multifamily development.